Book Report #2 : Suit Up

 Hello everyone! welcome back to my blog. Today I've read some story from ER central. For my assignment, I will pretend to be the main character from the stories on ER central. So let's start it!

#1 Timothy and Mary

Hello my name is Mary and my creator is Lauren. I'm ten years old. I always acted like I was older. I didn't cry all the time like some of the girls timothy knew, and I never acted like I was better than him. In fact, I was probably the smartest person in their class. I knew all the answer to their tests, but the nice thing about it was that I always helped anyone who asked her. I had told Timothy could ask for help any time. and he often asked me to come to his house after school so we could work together. I would come over and after we were done working, we would sometimes watch a movie. I know that timothy liked me. but he didn't know if I liked him back. Timothy asked me to come over to his house after school and put on his favorite shirt. Timothy managed to tell me how he felt about me.and I gave him a big smile and said that I would love to go out with him. Timothy was the happiest boy in the world.

#2 Jayaprana

Hello my name is Jayaprana and my creator is Paul Nation. I was a very clever young man who could sing very well and was good at telling stories. One day my parents became ill and died and not long after that my brother and my sisters also died. One day, I was walking in the town and I saw a beautiful young woman. Her eyes were dark, her hair was long and black, and her face was smooth and beautiful. I fell in love with her. Her name is Ni Layonsari. I went to the king and asked to write a letter to her parents. After that the king quickly wrote the letter and sent it to Ni Layonsari's parents. So we were married and we loved each other very much. One day the king saw Ni Layonsari and fell in love with her. The king told the severant to kill me. I was sad but I was not afraid to die. The king force Ni Layonsari to married with him. But Ni Layonsari don't want married with him. The king was angry and took a long knife and killed himself.

I like two stories because have a story about romance fiction. I think that's enough. Thank you for your attention and for coming to my blog. See you on the next blog:)



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