
Showing posts from September, 2020

Book Report #2 : Suit Up

 Hello everyone! welcome back to my blog. Today I've read some story from ER central. For my assignment, I will pretend to be the main character from the stories on ER central. So let's start it! #1 Timothy and Mary Hello my name is Mary and my creator is Lauren. I'm ten years old. I always acted like I was older. I didn't cry all the time like some of the girls timothy knew, and I never acted like I was better than him. In fact, I was probably the smartest person in their class. I knew all the answer to their tests, but the nice thing about it was that I always helped anyone who asked her. I had told Timothy could ask for help any time. and he often asked me to come to his house after school so we could work together. I would come over and after we were done working, we would sometimes watch a movie. I know that timothy liked me. but he didn't know if I liked him back. Timothy asked me to come over to his house after school and put on his favorite shirt. Timothy ma

Reading Journal #6: Folklore

  Hi everyone! how's your day? Now i will share you about story The Legend Of Roro Jonggrang. This story is the legend of the formation of the Prambanan. Once upon a time there was a kingdom named Prambanan. The king named is Bandung Bondowoso. Bandung Bondowoso had a supernatural power. His soldier were not only humans but also genius. The king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Roro Jonggrang. bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. But Roro Jonggrang had an requirement that Bandung Bondowoso have to build a thousand of temples in just one night. He did'nt give up. He asked the genies to help him. Then all those genies worked hard to build the 1.000 temples. Meanwhile, Roro Jonggrang heard from the lady that the building of 1.000 tempels was almost finish. she was so scared. She didn't want to marry Bandung Bondowoso. She had a great idea. Finally she called the palace maids to help her burn wood and beat the straw with a hammer a

Reading Journal #5

 Hi everyone! in my blog today i will tell you stories after i'm reading on ER Central.  Let me introduce the story first the title of the text is ''Enjoy Quality Time With Your Children''. the author name is Diane. the level is 5.90 and have 536 words. I think genre the story is familly. the story tell about how important it is for parents to children to have quality time with them. that will make children feel better and happy. as the parents they are who like to bring their children to places. There are many things that you can do when you are making time for the children. make sure that you are able to show them with love and their care. I'll choose the emoticon like this because full of love and affection of parents for their children means a lot. I feel fun when i'm read the story and really like and interesting the story because have things that teach important care to children. The second story I read is ''Finding The One''. the autho

reading journal #4

 reading my first stories on ER central hello everyone! this is my experience about reading on ER Central. so i will tell you. I read on ER Central article the title is Look Good, Now!. I like the article so much because give an information about healty life. we can know inportant information and apply in real life. and also I have done to finish the quiz and I got 100.  I feel so fun and enjoy when I read the article because the article easy to undarstand what the article tell about. I think level suitable for me is 5 or easy level because i'm still begiinning to reading session. maybe soon i will read the story have level easy in the title on the road or maybe i'll try to read level up to improve my reading skills thank you:)

I think, I dont think about reading

 ER Assignment #2: I think, I dont think hello everyone this is my opinion about assignment reading.  1. reading in my first language is fun 2. reading english is dificult 3. I should usually look up new words in my dictionary. 4. reading english is boring 5. it is easier to read about sports than science 6. if i read very fast, it is hard to understand the meaning 7. reading out loud is a good idea 8. reading english is fun reading in my first language is fun. i think i'd agree with the statement. my first language is bahasa jawa. so i easily understand of the meaning sentence and reading in Bahasa indonesia also fun. i very enjoy when i reading with use two bahasa that.  reading in english can also be dificult for me. i think i'd agree with the statement. because we have to know the mean. and sometimes i don't fully understand bahasa inggris. so that's a true statement. I should usually look up new words in my dictionary. i think i'd agree with the statement. beca


                                                  Hello everyone. My name is Rista Arin Ningsih. You can call me rista. this is my first blog. i will tell you about my reading experience. When i was kindergarten i have read book in the title Kiki Kelinci. I forget the title name but it is a children book and i read some cerita rakyat nusantara. I often borrow it at the library. Cause the library near my house. my mom often teach me how read a book correct. I always read the book with my mom. Many cerita rakyat nusantara be my favorite such as Timun Mas, Malin Kundang, Jaka Tarub, Sangkuriang, Bawang Merah Bawang Putih and other. The story is very interesting and im not boring when i read it. Cerita Rakyat Nusantara has a message contained in it. I always read the book in my bedroom my favorite place. Cause i feel comfortable there. Some novel i reading too but now i rarely read it. So now maybe that's enough of my experience in reading book. Thank you all. See you next time.